Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Do I need a lawyer?

It is highly recommended that you get a lawyer, to make sure that your rights are protected. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to find sources of free or low-cost legal help on our WY Finding a Lawyer Page.

If you are unable to get a lawyer, you can file several types of motions on your own. A motion is the device you use to ask the court for its help.* To file a motion, you go to the courthouse, fill out the necessary forms, and return them to the court. The court clerk may be able to answer some of the administrative questions you have about filing a motion. However, the clerk cannot answer legal questions, tell you whether you should file for custody, or what the outcome may be.

Even if you plan on representing yourself, it may be helpful for you to have a lawyer review your forms before you file them.

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