Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Can I get financial support for my children and myself?

Yes. However, it is important to be aware that child support and support for yourself are independent. For example, it is possible that you may only be able to get support for your children, and not for yourself.

Support for your child: Generally, the court will determine how much money the other parent will pay to support your child.*1 You can file for child support at the same time you file for custody, or you can file for child support separately. You do not have to file for custody of your child to get child support. The court almost always uses set child support guidelines to determine how much support you will receive.*2 The court uses a complex formula, but basically the court looks at both parents' incomes, whether either parent has to pay support for other children, and how much the custodial parent has to pay for health insurance.*2 Sometimes the court may consider other factors to change the support guidelines for your particular situation.*3 Some additional factors for the judge to consider include:

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