A. Definition-a promise or a set of promises for
breach of which the law
Gives a remedy, or the performance of which the
law in some way
recognizes as a duty.
B. Types of Contracts
1. Express or Implied
a. quasi contracts- a way to avoid unjust
2. Bilateral or Unilateral
a.bilateral-exchange of promises (promise for a
b.unilateral-exchange of an act for a promise.
1. If offeror clearly indicates that performance
is the
only manner of acceptance
2. offer to the public clearly contemplating
c. most contracts are bilateral.
3.Void or Voidable and Unenforceable
a. Void- no legal effect from the beginning
(cannot be enforced)
1.example-agreement to commit a crime
b. Voidable-one that a party may elect to avoid
or ratify
(party may elect to enforce it)
1.example-contract by a minor
c. Unenforceable-otherwise valid but for which
some defense
1. example- statute of frauds
C. Creation of A Contract
1. Three Elements Needed to Create a Contract:
a. mutual assent (offer and acceptance)
b. Consideration
c. No defenses to formation
A. Why have offer and acceptance rules?
1. enable court to draw dividing line between
preliminary negotiations
and closing of a bargain
2. ensure parties had agreed on minimum
quanitity of tersm so the
court could find they actually had made a deal
3. give court reliable method to determine
content of their deal.
B. What constitutes an offer?
1. Manifestation of a present willingness to
enter into a bargain, made
in such a way that a reasonable person could
believe that she could
conclude a bargain by giving assent in the
manner required (words/act)
Two elements:
1. Intent to enter into bargain (promise,
undertaking or
a. Offer vs. Invitation to deal
not offer if clear that it is only an intent to
bargain or begin negotiation
1.words that suggest negotiations
a.are you interested, would you give, I
would consider…
2.words that suggest offer
I will sell, I will buy, I offer, I bid
3. Things to look at: language, prior
surrounding circumstances, method of
(broader is less likely an offer), custom in
industry and degree of definiteness of terms
2. Certainty and definiteness of terms
a.Identify offeree or class of offerees
Must be clear:
1 Real Estate-land and price
2. Sale of Goods-quantity must be capable
of being made certain
3. Employment-duration must be specified
b. Even if one of these are missing, if evidence
intent to conclude a bargain, can still be
c.Certain missing terms may be reasonably
d. A vague term may defeat formation unless
or partial performance makes it clear
3. Communicated to the Offeree
b. Special Rules
1. Advertisements-generally invitations rather
than offers
a. Rationale:
1.usually indefinite quantity and terms
2.seller ought to be able to chose who they
deal with
3. Typically addressed to general public so
it could be overaccepted (exceed # of items)
b.Exceptions: offer if:
Definite in terms AND
2. a. circumstances clearly show intent or
b. advertisement invites to take a specific
action without further communication or
overacceptance is unlikely
example: rewards for lost item
2. Offering circulars
a. general mailings sent out by merchants to a #
potential customers, setting forth terms in
ready to deal, generally not an offer but may be
b. test-whether a reasonable person wouold think
had been addressed to him individually or a
of recipients
3. Auctions
a.bid is an offer, can be withdrawn until
by being hammered down
b. each new bid automatically discharges earlier
4. Contracts out for bid
a. general rule-not an offer but bids submitted
C. Legal Significance of an Offer
1. Offer creates power of acceptance in offeree,
and offeree
can conclude a bargain and enter into contract
and bind offeror by
proper assent.
D. Termination of Power of Acceptance
1. Termination by the Offeror-
a.Revocation of an Offer-must directly
communicat revocation or
act inconsistently with a continued willingness
to maintain offer
and offeree gets correct information from a
reliable source.
1. .general rule-an offer can be revoked until
it has been
2. time of revocation:
a.traditionally-could revoke before time of
even if promise not to do so (if it lacks
or detrimental reliance.)
3. Limitations on power to revoke:
a. firm offers-Restatement-once there is
reliance on
promise not to revoke, offeror loses power to
b. option contract supported by consideration
c. Detrimental reliance and offeror could
expect reliance
d.Unilateral contract, offeree has started
2. Termination by the Offeree-lapse of time or
a.Expiration or Lapse of the offer
1. If time is fixed in the offer (time runs from
day of receipt
unless offeree knew or should have known of the
delay, then
when it would have been received)
2. If no time for acceptance is fixed in the
a. Reasonable time depends on the circumstances
a.Face to face and telephone-ordinarly no longer
end of conversation unless intention contrary
ex: If says, think it over, then shows contrary
b. By mail-by midnight on day of receipt is
timely, may
even be if sent later, provided reasonable time
1. mail-box rule- when letter of acceptance is
placed in the mail, contract formed, both bound.
b. Through rejection by offeree
1. Express rejection-statement that he intends
not to accept
the offer, then power of acceptance is
2. Through counter-offer (rejection and new
a.concerns same subject matter but differs in
3. Not terminated by inquires or request for
different terms
a.test-whether a reasonable person in offeror’s
would think that it was itself an offer
c. By Operation of Law
1. Death or insanity of either party
2. Destruction of contract’s subject matter
3. Suprevening Illegality
E. Acceptance
1. Who may accept
a. The person to whom the offer was addressed or
in the class to whom addressed has power of
2. Acceptance must be unequivocal
a. Common Law-mirror image rule-acceptance must
terms of offer, no omissions or additions. If
they do have
then may be counteroffer
b. UCC-need not mirror terms. Any acceptance
that indicates
intention to enter into a contract is valid
unless it is made
conditional on the acceptance of new or
differendt erms.
1. Terms of Contract
a. Non merchants (1 not)-terms of offer
b. Merchants-additional terms become party of K
1. Exceptions
a. acceptance expressly limited to old
b. materially alter agreement
c.offeror already objected to add’l terms
Genrally Acceptance Must Be Communicated
a. Mailbox Rule-If acceptance is by mail or
similar means and
properly addressed and stamped, it is effective
at moment of
dispatch (If improperly sent, it is effective
upon receipt)
1.Limitations to rule
a. offer stipulates not effective until receipt
b. option contract
c. offeree sends rejection then acceptance,
whichever arrives first.
d. if sends acceptance then rejection acceptance
effective unless rejection arrives first and
detrimentally relies on it
2. Acceptance By Unauthorized Means is effective
it actually is received by the offeror while the
offer is still
in existence
3. Crossing Offers-since an offer is effective
upon receipt,
offers stating same terms that cross in mail do
not give rise
to a contract.
4. Exception-Acceptance without communication
a. an executory bilateral contract may be formed
without communication of acceptanfce where:
1. there is an express waiver of communication
of offer
2. the offer requires an act as acceptance
3.offeree silently takes the offered benefits
D. Unilateral or Bilateral Contract
1. Interpreting a contract as unilateral or
a. Unilateral-offeree accepts by performing an
b. Bilateral-offeree accepts by promising to do
an act
c. Modern courts-bilateral unless its terms
warn that an act is required for acceptance
d. UCC and Restatment-if offer is ambiguous,
allow an
act or a promise
2. Formations Problems
a. Unilateral-generally must act with knowledge
of offer and be
motivated by it. Duty to give notice if offeror
requests it, otherwise
no duty
b. Bilateral-ignorance of certain terms may be a
oppressive terms or against public policy may
prevent formation, blanket form recitals will
not prevent court from holding no contract
if reasonable person would not understand.
A. Introduction
1. courts will only enforce a contract if it is
supported by
consideration or a substitute for consideration
B. Elements of Considertaion-bargain and legal
1. Bargain-must exchange something. (promises or
promise for act)
a. gift- no bargain involved (no consideration)
in gifts
a. act or forberance by promisee will be
if it benefits the promisor
1.example: uncle gives nephew (namesake)
money for not cussing, drinking, etc. considered
consideration because benefited his name.
Economic Benefit Not required (peace of mind or
gratification may be enough)
b. Past or Moral Consideration-promise in
exchange for something
already done is not a bargain
1. Exceptions-if new promise made in writing or
2. Legal Value
a. General Rule-adequacey or fairness of
consideration not
1. if no value, then no consideration.
2.sham consideration (in contract, not actually
paid) may
also be insufficient.
3. if possibility of value then consideration
even if value
never comes into existence
b. Legal Benefit and Legal Detriment Theories
1.Majority-a party must incur detriment by doing
something he is not legally obligated to do or
refraining from something he has a legal right
to do
(example: boy not cussing)
Minority-benefit on other party is sufficient
3. Specific Situations
a. Preexisting Legal Duty
1. General Rule-insufficient consideration
a. Exceptions
1. new or different consideration is promised
2. promise is to ratify a voidable obligation
(promise to ratify minor’s contract after
preexisting duty owed to a third person
4.honest dispute as to duty
5. unforeseen circumstances sufficient to
6. UCC-any good faith agreement modifying a
contract subject to the UCC needs no
consideration to be binding
b. Forbearance to Sue-promise to refrain from
on a claim may be consideration if the claim is
or claimant in good faith believed it was valid.
C. Mutual and Illusory Promises-Requirement of
1. Consideration must exist on both sides of
conract. If only one
party is bound to perform, it is considered an
illusory promise and will
not be enforced. However, implied promises may
exist to infer mutuality.
a. Examples of Mutuality Requirement:
1. Output and Requirement Contracts
2. Conditional Promises
3.Contracts where a party has a right to cancel
4.Voidable Promises
5. Unilateral and Option Contracts
6. Gratuitous Suretyships promises
b. Language is Important
“all the widgets I require” or “ all you produce”
is okay but
“all the widgets I want” or “all you want to
sell me” is illusory.
2. Right to Choose Alternative Courses
a. illusory unless every alternative involves
legal detriment to
D. No Requirement that All Consideration be
1. No requiremtn that each promises given be
sufficient as consideration
(one promise may be defective and another
E. Substitutes for Consideration
1.Promissory Estoppel or Detrimental Reliance
a. Promissory Estoppel
1. Promisor should reasonably expect her promise
to induce
action or forbearance
2. of a definite and substantial character
3. such action or forbearance is induced
2. Modifications Under UCC-consideration is not
necessary to a good
faith modification of a contract
3.Promises to Pay Legal Obligations Barred By
Law-If legal obligation
is not enforceable under law a new promise to
fulfill the obligation is
enforceable if in writing only according to new
4.Seal-some say enough, but modern cases and UCC no longer
sub. for
A. Defenses to Formation
1.Absence of Mutual Assent
a. Mutual Mistake- a mistake by both parties is
defense if
1. mistake concerns a basic assumption on which
2. mistake has a material adverse effect on
3. adversely affected party did not assume the
1. assumption of risk-when both parties know
assumption is doubtful (conscious ignorance)
mistake is not a defense
2. Mistake in value-generally not a defense, as
assume parties assume risk of determining value
there are exceptions such as reliance on third
party to
determine value
b. Unilateral Mistake-generally insufficient to
make a contract
1. Exception- if nonmistaken party knew or
should have
known of the mistake, it is voidable by mistaken
c. Mistake by Third Party (Intermediary,
generally will be operative as transmitted
unless party receiving
it had reason to know of mistake.
d. Latent Ambiguity Mistakes-If ambiguous term,
depends on
1. neither party aware-no contract unless both
parties intend
same meaning
2. both parties aware-no contract unless both
parties intend
same meaning
3. one party aware-binding based on what
ignorant party
reasonably believed to be meaning of ambiguous
4. Ambiguity-intent taken into account
e. Misrepresentation and Fraud-
1. valid defenses because they
prevent mutual assent.
2. Must go to a material factor in the contract.
3. If fraudulent mis.-actual reliance
If innocent mis.-must be reasonable reliance
4. Fraud where party tricked into assenting
understanding the significance of her action-no
5. Fraud as to underlying transaction-contract
voidable by
frauded party
2. Absence of Consideration-lacks bargaining or
legal detriment, no
contract exists
3. Public Policy Defenses-Illegality of Contract
a.If consideration or subject matter of contract
is illegal, contract is
1.Example-contract to commit a murder.
2. Exceptions
a. . is unaware and . knows
b. Parties not in pari delicto (one party not as
fault as other)
c. illegality is failure to obtance license for
raising purposes rather than for protection of
b. If purpose behind contract is illegal,
contract is voidable by party
who was unaware of purpose or aware but did not
purpose and does not involve serious moral
turpitude (like murder)
B. Defenses based on Lack of Capacity
1. Under age 18-voidable by minor but not by
2. Insane Persons-when insane, voidable, if
lucid, then has
3. Intoxicated Persons if other party knows of
4. Duress and Coercion
C. Defenses to Enforcement
1. Statute of Frauds-must be in writing
a.executors or administrators to pay debts out
of own funds
b. answer for debt or default of another
c. marriage
d. land
e. cannot be performed within one year
f. sale of goods for 500 dollars or more
g. Requirements of Statute-identity of parties,
subject matter,
terms and conditions, consideration recited and
signature of party
to be charged or his agent
h. Several pieces of writing btn parties
i. Only party to be charged (sued) must sign.
j. Noncompliance renders it unenforceable.
2. Unconscionability-Voidable if clauses are so
one sided as to be
unconscionable. (risk shifting provisions and
contracts of adhesion)
a. tested at time contract was made not later
b. often when one party has superior bargaining
A. Rules of Contract Construction
1. construed as a whole according to the
ordinary meaning of words.
2. If inconsisentcy between provisions written
prevail over printed
3.Ambiguities construed against party preparing
the contract absent
evidence of intent of parties
4.Courts look to custome and usage
5. Courts generally try to reach decision that
contract is valid and
B. Parol Evidence Rule
1. Evidence of prior or contemporaneous
negotiations and agreements
that contradict, modify, or vary terms is
inadmissible if written contract is
intended as the complete and final expression of
the parties. A merger
clause (recital that contract is complete)
strengthens presumption that
written contract final.
a. Exceptions-evidence is admissible:
1. formation defects (fraud, duress, mistake,
2.condition precedent to contract
3. intent regarding ambiguous terms
4. consideration problems
5. prior valid agreement which is incorrectly
stated in
6. collateral agreement if it does not
contradict of vary
7.subsequent modifications
A. Introduction
Two questions:
1. Is there a present duty to perform (absolute
promise or have all
conditions been met or excused?)
2. Has the duty to perform been discharged?
a. If yes-done
b. If no-nonperformance will be a breach of
B. When has a promise become absolute?
1. Difference Between Promise and Condition
a. Promise-commitment to do or refrain from
doing something
b. Condition-an event the occurrence or
nonoccurance of which will
create, limit, or extinguish the duty to perform (promise
c. Interpretation of Promise or Condition
1. Basic Test is intent of parties as judged by
words, prior
exchanges, custom in business (when in doubt
courts prefer
d. Condition or Promise-may be promise for one
party and
condition for another. (example-second parties
duty to pay
is conditioned on first party’s performance).
May also be both
for same party as where a prty is under duty to
reasonably ensure
that a condition comes about (secure financing)
e. Failure of promise-breach –vs- failure of
condition-relieves other
party of obligation to perform
2. Classification of Conditions
a. Time of Occurance
1. condition precedent-condition must occur
before performance is
due from other party
a. Example-agreement to pay $ if my house is
sold by April 1.
b. Effect of occurance-performance due
2. condition concurrent-conditions to occur at
same time
a. Example-agreement to pay $ for blackacre
b. If condition has occurred, performance of the
other is due
3. Condition subsequent-condition cuts off
already existing duty
a. Example-agreement to pay $ for blackacre
unless zoning
is changed
b. Effect of occurance-duty to perform is
b. Express, Implied, and Constructive Conditions
1. Express-in contract stated clearly
2. Implied-those to be inferred from evidence of
parties’ intention
3. Constructive-without regard to parties
intention in order to
ensure parties get what they bargained for (time
of performance,
who performs first)
3. Have the Conditions Been Excused?
a. Excuse of Condition by Failure to
Cooperate-if a party wrongfully
prevents a condition from occurring will not get
benefit of it
b. Excuse of Condition by Actual Breach-Actual,
material breach by one
party excuses other’s duty of coutnerperformance
(minor breach may
suspend duty but not excuse it)
c. Excuse of Condition by Anticipatory
1. must be unequivocal
2. only if executory (unperformed) duties on
both sides of bilateral
3. Four alternatives for nonrepudiating party
a. treat contract as repudiated and sue
suspend his own performance and wait until performance
is due to sue
c. Treat repudiation as an offer to rescind and
treat contract
as discharged
d. Ignore repudiation and urge performance
4. Repudiation may be retracted until the
nonrepudiating party has
accepted or detrimentally relied upon it.
d. Excuse of Condition by Prospective Inability
or Unwillingness to Prfrm.
1. party might have reasonable grounds to
believe the other party
will be unwilling or unable to perform when
performance is due.
2. Different from anticipatory repudiation
because this only raises
doubts and is not unequivocal.
3. Conduct to show Inability or Unwillingness
a. reasonable person standard
4. Effect of Prospective Failure
a. innocent party may suspend own performance
she gets assurances of performance. If not
coming then
may treat failure as repudiation.
5. Retraction is possible but may not be
effective if other party has
changed position in reliance on prospective
e. Excuse of Condition By Substantial
1. If party has almost completely performed his
duties, but has
breached in some minor way, the rule of
substantial performance
avoids forfeiture of a return performance
2. Applies to constructive conditions, usually
not applied if breach
was willful.
3. Damages Offset-Sub. performance may still
require to offset
damages for incomplete performance
4. UCC-perfect tender rule but is subject to
f. Excuse of Condition by Divisibility of
1. If party performs one of units of divisible
contract, she is entitled
to equivalent for that unit even though she fails
to perform other
2. What is a divisible Contract?
a. performance of each party divided into 2 or
more parts
b. number of parts due from each party same and
c. performance of each part by one party is the
equivalent of the corresponding party by the
other party.
3. Installment Contracts-UCC-contract that
authorizes or requires
delivery in separate lots is an installment
contract. Can only claim
total breach if defects are such to materially
impair the entire
g. Excuse of Condition By Waiver or Estoppel
1. Estoppel Waiver-indicate that he will not
insist upon the
condition, but the waiver may be retracted at
any time unless
other party detrimentally relies upon it.
2. Election Waiver-If condition is broken, party
who was to have its
benefit may either terminate his liability
(exit) or continue on
contract. If he does second, he is deemed to
have waived
3. condition that may be waived-if no
consideration given for
waiver, it must be one that is ancillary or
collateral to main
purpose of contract. Otherwise, waiver is gift
and not enforceable.
4. Rights to Damamges for Failure of
Condition-waiving a
condition does not waive rights to damages for
other defects in
h. Excuse of Condition by Impossibility,
Impracticability, or Frustration
C. Has the Duty to Perform Been Discharged?
1. Discharge by Performance or Tender of
a. duty may be discharged by complete
performance or tender
of performandce assuming tendering party has
ability to perform
b. discharge by condition subsequent
c.discharge by illegality
d. discharge by Impossibility, Impractiability,
or Frustration
1. Impossibility-objective standard-after
contract was
made, nobody could perform according to terms
a.examples-death or physical incapacity, new law
making illegal, subsequent destruction of
b. Exception-if services can be delegated, not
2. Impracticability-subjective tests-party
encounters extreme
and unreasonable difficulty or expense due to
difficulty or
expense that was not anticipated
a. example-price increase in raw materials WILL
be enough to lead to discharge b/c normal risk,
could have been anticipated
3. Frustration of Purpose
a. Supervening Event that was
b. not reasonably foreseeable at time of
c. which completely or almost completely
the purpose of the contract and
d. purpose was understood by both parties
e. discharge by recession
a.mutual recession-both parties agree to it
b. unilateral recession-party must have adequate
grounds such as mistake, misrpresentation, or
f.discharge by release
g.discharge by substituted contract
h. discharge by lapse of time if party’s duty is
a condition to the
other’s duty and neither performs her duty
i. discharge by operation of law-(contractual
duty of performance is
merged in court judgment for breach of duty)
j. statute of limitations-makes it unenforceable
A. When does breach occur?
1.promisor under absolute duty to perform and
2. duty has not been discharged
B. Material or Minor Breach?
1. material-if as result of breach the
nonbreaching party does not
receive the substantial benefit of bargain.
a. non breaching party may:
1. treat contract as an end and
2. immediate right to all remedies for breach
including total
2.minor breach with aniticipatory repudiation is
a material breach
3. Test:
a. amount of benefit received by nonbreacher
b. adequacy of compensation for damages to
injured party
c. extent of party performance by breacher
d. hardship to breaching party
e. negligent or willful behavior of breaher
f. likelihood that breaching party will perform
remainder of contract
4. Timeliness of performance-generally failure
to perform by time stated
is not material if performance rendered within a
reasonable time
a. exception-nature of contract makes timely
perform. Essential
or time is of the essence is provided in
contract then it is material.
C. Remedies for Breach
1. Damages (compensatory, nominal, punitive)
2. Goal is to put parties in as good a position
as would have been with
full performance
a. standard measure of damages-expectation
The law can protect the expectation, reliance,
or restitution interests or some
combination of them.
A. Expectation Interest
1. Goal of contract remedies—protect expectation
example: UCC 1-106-“put the aggrieved party in
as good a
position as if the other party had full
performed, but penal
damages may not be had….”
2. Where the parties expected to be as the
result of performance
3.Policy Reasons-no contract police, no arrests,
etc to encourage
performance b/c few are willing to pay for it,
balance ends and costs
of alternative ways and chosen to protect
expectation and hope this
gives an optimal level of performance at an
acceptable cost.
4. Duty to mitigate
a. remedies generally based on encouraging
aggrieved party
to enter a substitute contract and then award
damages to make
up any loss
b. damages
loss in value+other loss
less costs avoided
less loss avoided
b. UCC—may withhold delivery, stop delivery,
resell and recover
damages, recover damages for non-acceptance
1.treats buyers as if they had covered their
needs from
another seller and awards damages as increased
cost of
substitute contract.
2. If unable to sell goods after reasonable
effort to resell at
reasonable price, then may recover contract
c. substitute contract cannot be different or
1. Mclaine v. 20th century- lead role in Western
different than lead role in musical
2. de la Falaise v. GBP-had to deduct from
the amount she made doing radio shows-other
has to be substantially similar
3.Police officer had failed to mitigate damages
another officer got job at another city and this
went to college.
4. Bus driver-similar route nearby but no merit
system did
not make it inferior
d. Loss volume seller principle-
1. if you could sell an unlimited number, then
no duty to
mitigate damages
Neri v. Retail Marine-boats
b. car dealers?
c. contractors
e.Expenses occurred in mitigating damages are
f. Incidental Damages-costs of shipping,
storing, going to market,
etc. and are normally added to expectation
g.Liquidated Damages-provision in a contract
that fixes the
amount of damages in the event of a breach.
Enforceable if not
a penalty.
1.Enforceable if:
a.actual damages that would result in breach must
be impractical or extremely difficult to
b. Amount of damages must be a reasonable
2.UCC-enforceable if the amount fixed is
reasonable in light
of the anticipated or actual harm caused by the
Examples: Lake River v. Corrubundum- damages
were grossly disproportionate to any probable
3.Policy Considerations-
a.against penalties-compensatory damages should
enough to deter inefficient breaches and penal
damages could deter efficient breaches
b.for penalties-willing to agree to clause makes
promise more credible, adds value, parties
themselves will weigh costs and benefits,
h. Special Contracts
a. Sale of Goods-difference btn K price and mkt
price when
seller tenders or buyer learns of breach
b.UCC-if buyer breaches, seller may withhold or
stop delivery
resell goods and recover the difference or
ordinary damages
for nonacceptance. If buyer has already accepted
buyer may recover contract price.
c. UCC-if seller breaches, buyer may reject
goods, cancel, cover, recover goods, specific
or recover damages for nondelivery
b. Sale of Land-Difference btn Kprice and fair
market value
c. Employemnt-full contract price less wages
actually earned
elsewhere after breach. If breached by
Ee-whatever it costs
to replace them
d.Construction-by owner-builder gets profits
plus expended
costs. By builder-cost of completion plus
reasonable comp.
For delay
e. Installment payments-only partial breach if a
payment not
made, can get only missed payment.
i. Consequential Damages-special damages above
and beyond
general damages. Typically lost profits. Given
if a reasonable
person would have foreseen at the time of
entering the contract
that such damages would result from the breach
1. Can recover only those damages that arise
in the usual course of things or that both
contemplated at the time of the contract
example: Hadley v. Baxendale-didn’t tell
of crank shaft would put their business on halt,
therefore not liable for lost profits.
2.General Rule-consequential damages can be
only if at the time the contract was made, the
seller had
reason to forsee that the consequential damages
probable result of the breach.
3.Policy consideration-would the party have
agreed to it
when faced with original possibility (true
j. Punitive and Nominal Damages-generally not
awarded unless
breach but no actual loss is proven then nominal
k. Liquidated Damages-vaild if damages were
difficult to ascertain
at the time of contract and the amount agreed
upon was a
reasonable forecast of compensatory damages. If
amount is
unreasonable, will be seen as penalty and not
1. UCC-court can consider actual damages incurred
determining whether a liquidated damage clause
is valid
l. Proof of Damages with Reasonable Certainty
1.General Rule-Damages can be recovered only if
amount is reasonable certain of computation.
a. Lost profits
1.Existing Business-future profits can be
reasonably estimated from past profits
2. New Business Rule-no lost profits because
inherently speculative
example: new drive in movie theater
Today- examine each case on own merits and
Could possibly compare with similar business
In same area
b. Trend today-not to cut off damages of
unless uncertaintiy is fairly severe
are at best approximate and must be proved with
whatever definiteness the facts permit but no
c. Policy considerations
1. Unfair to deny . meaningful recovery for lack
of a sufficient track record where . had been
prevented from establishing a record because of
. actions.
B. Reliance Interest
1.Based on aggrieved parties costs (including
opportunity costs)
2.Purpose to put party in position as if the
promise had not been
made (1. Reliance costs, 2. Opportunity
Costs)-status quo
1. buyer orders special steel which machine will
process but seller defaults and doesn’t give
machine. Buyer
must pay to cancel steel contract with supplier
or resell
steel at losee.
2. buyer does not seek other contracts from
other sellers, and costs them chance to find
others like
3.If you can’t get expectation, try reliance:
a. if profits are uncertain
b. no unjust enrichment
c. some reason you cant get expectation
4.Injured party can recover:
a.out of pocket expenses
b. worsening of conditions (dif in value)
c. pain and suffering beyond what was bargained
5. If . can prove the contract was losing one
for . then . doesn’t
have to pay. Contract must be shown to at least
break even.
C. Restitution (Unjust
1. Reasonable value of a benefit gained by
2. Found commonly in three situations:
a. Party gives benefit under unenforceable
contract because
of some defense like SofF
b. Enforceable contract and breach but contract
was losing one
for innocent party
c. no contract formed but benefit gained in
precontractual stage
3.Must show
a. other party has received a benefit
b.wrong/unjust for party to have that benefit
4.Conditions-one always sues for breach of
contract, not breach of
failure of condition-defense and often ends obligation to
perform a qualified promise (other party can EXIT)
1.Effect of failure of condition must be
substantial to
exit (discharge). If other party has
performed, can’t exit but you have claim for
2.If you exit, you can’t recover
b.concurrent conditions-promise on one side is same as
condition on the other (my duty to perform is
on their tender and vice-versa)
c.tender- if you don’t want to exit, you must
tender (be
ready and willing to perform) then can sue for
d. If a contract calls for one performance which
by its
nature takes time and another which can be done
the one that takes time must be done first.
5. Examples:
a. Colonial Dodge v. Miller-man buys car, no
spare tire, didn’t
meet all conditions, was allowed to discharge)
b.Plante v. Jacobs-built house not all
specifications, no material
failure to perform, he got contract price minus
damages they
could prove
c. Oliver v. Cambpell-if substantial
performance, no restitution
6. Measurement-
a. fair market value of benefit (what it would
have cost for
someone else to do same thing) OR
b. increase in value
D. Surrogates for Normative Choices
1. Peevyhouse-in a coal mining lease, when lesee
agrees to perform
certain remedial work on the premises concerned
at the end of the
lease period (to clean up)and the contract is
fully performed except for
remedial work, the measure of damages is the
reasonable cost of
performance of the work.
Exception-where provision breached was
incidental to main
purpose and economic benefit is grossly
disproportionate to cost
of performance, the damages are limited to
dimunition in value
(only $300) in this case
2.Policy considerations-
a. If cost of performance is measurable and does
not involve unreasonable economic waste, then can
use it, and
decrease in value is used if it would cause
unreasonable economic
b. if defect in material or construction cannot
be remedied without
expenditure disproportionate to purpose
(balance expense involved and the end to be
attained) (relative
economic benefit)
c. . could recover an unconscionable and grossly
oppressive damages,
contrarty to justice.
d. If . allowed to recover, they would get
greater benefit than from
full performance
e.where contractor’s breach is willfull, not
entitled to any doctrine
of substantial performance
f. no attempt to substantially performed,
contract entered clear
and understood and unambiguous, no conditions
that could not
have reasonably been anticipated, taking away
benefits of
E. Specific Performance
If damages inadequate, can seek specific
a. when damages inadequate: subject matter is
rare or unique
b. Available for land and unique goods but not
for services b/c of
difficulty in supervision and signifies involuntary
c. Equitable Defenses availabe
A. Spouses, Friends, Nieces, Nephews
1. Husbands and Wives
a. Balfour v. Balfour- (promise to care for
wife)-held no contract
because 1.no intent to be forced into it by law
2. many promises
everyday, to allow to sue would create too much
litigation 3.partys
didn’t intend for them to be attended by legal
b. Miller v. Miller-matters pertaining to home
are not to become
matters of public concern or inquiry
1.lack of consideration
2. “Husbands
and Wives who are not married”
a. Marvin v. Marvin- adults who voluntarily live
together and
engage in sexual activity are as competent as
any to enter
into contract
3.Bait (Promises by a family member with money
to influence the lives
of those without it)
a. Hamer v. Sideway- uncle told nephew he would
give money
if he would refrain from smoking, drinking,
gambling, swearing
until he was 21. He did, uncle was keeping money
until ready to
care for himself, uncle died, executor refused
to pay, court ruled
there was consideration because he gave up legal
rights for a
period of time.
B. Consideration
a. benefit received by promisor or detriment
incurred by prmsee
b. bargain approach-exchange in which each party
views what
she gives as the price of what she gets
c. Enforceable element approach-any element that
will make
promise enforceable
d. Can be an act or a promise to act if
performance would be
e.exception to consideration needed is reliance.
2. Unrelied Upon Donative Promises-
a. general rule- donative promise is
unenforceable b/c no
under seal
b. relied upon
c.moral obligation created
2. NOT writing, nominal consideration (sell car
for a dollar),
conditional donative promise
3. Examples:
a. A tells B and says, I have a gift for you, if
you come
over to my house, you can have it. Not an
promise because coming over to house is not the
price of the gift but a way to take possession
b. uncle promises nephew $ if he refrains from
smoking and drinking until 21. Enforceable b/c
shows uncle was willing to pay $ for nephew’s
-also, could be in it for his name sake
3. Relied Upon Donative Promise
a. former rule-reliance was irrelevant, donative
promise unenforc.
b. Modern rule-if a donative promise induces
reliance in a manner
that promisor should reasonably expect, then it
is enforceable
1. Promissory Estoppel- (substitute for consideration)
Restatement- if reasonably expect to induce
action and
does induce
a. principle that promisor shold be estopped
from pleading lack of consideration when
has relied on donative promise
b.enforced to the extent of the reliance
c. Most say this is in place of consideration,
some say
it is a type of consideration
4. Bargain Promises
a. general rule- a bargain constitutes
consideration, therefore
a bargained for promise is enforceable.
b. Equal value not required
c. Exception-if already a preexisting legal duty
to perform
(antecedent duty rule)
5.Illusory Promises
a. a statement that has the form of a promise
but is not a real
promise, leaves a free way out –vs- real
promise-commitment that
limits ones future options
examples: I will buy insofar as I want to buy or
I will buy but
I may terminate my obligation
b. general rule-if one party makes an illusory
promise in exchange
for another’s real promise, neither is bound
c. Exceptions:
1.Unilateral contracts- (promise in exchange for
an act)
example: A promises to pay B if he cuts down
A wants Bs performance, not merely promise.B
Never promises to cut down tree, but does so.
A is bound to pay even though B was never bound
2.Voidable Promises
example: contract with minor, enforceable
A but not against child.
3. Conditional Promises
example: If A gets Chevy dealership, she will
hire B
as sales manager
4. Alternative Promises
a. general rule-each alternative must constitute
consideration as if bargained for alone
C. The conditional gift
1. Kirksey v. Kirksey-no consideration by moving
to her brother in laws
2. Ricketts v. Scothern-stopped working because
grandfather was going
to pay her money, her actions showed reliance
upon promise, therefore
D. Statute of Frauds
1. Certain contracts must be in writing
a. executor/administrator
b. answer to duty of another
c. sale of land
d. cannot be performed within one year from its
e. sale of goods in excess of certain value
2. Purpose
a. evidentiary-prevents perjury and fraud by
people who might
falsely claim that contract was made when it was
b. caution people, remind them they are making a
c. symbol of commitment
d. channel behavior
3. Components of Writing:
a. identify contracting parties
b. subject matter description
c. terms and conditions of agreement
4. Effect of noncompliance with statute
a. majority- contract unenforceable but not void
1. suit cannot be brought but it is valid for
other purposes
b.minority view-contract void
5. If get a benefit from contract that falls
within statute, other party
can recover for value of benefit even if you can’t
enforce (restitution)
E. Franchises
1. Hoffman v. Red Owl- relied on agent’s
statements, sued, promissory
estoppel does not require that promise sued upon
be able to sustain
a cause of action under contract
A. Illegal Contracts
1. If a proposed contract is legal at time of
offer but becomes illegal
before acceptance, intervening illegality theory
terminates offer. If
contract made and later illegal, discharged.
2. Illegal if either consideration or object of
contract is illegal
3. Illegal contract is void and courts will not
intercede to aid third party
a. severable portion may be enforced
b. Carroll v. Beardon-sale of brothel illegal
c. policy considerations
1. punishment may not fit the crime, may provide
incentive to carry out illegal contract rather
than back out,
one party may have actually planned the act, so
equal guilt, . is in better position, if not
equal, courts
sometimes adjust
4. Comparative Fault:
a. Gates v. Rivers construction company-didn’t
pay illegal alien
because claimed not allowed to make contracts.
1. if statute imposes sanctions but doesn’t
declare contract
invalid specifically, look at intent of
2. contract should be enforced in this case
a.statute doesn’t declare contracts void
b. . knew of violation should not be allowed to
c.purpose of legislature not this
b. Karpinski v. Collins-If contract is against
public policy, court can
refuse to enforce (balancing test)
B. Public Policy
1. Courts can refuse to enforce contracts or
provisions that are against
public policy
2. Balancing Test (balance public policy against
enforcment with
interest in its enforcement)
3. Covenants not to compete
a. Fullerton Lumber v. Albert Torborg-tests of
necessity and
reasonableness. If necessary and reasonable,
then covenants
not to compete are lawful.
C. Capacity to Contract
1. Mental capacity
a. Traditional rule-lacks capacity only if
mental processes so
deficient that he lacks understanding of nature,
purpose, effect
b. Restatement- if unable to act in reasonable
manner and other
party has reason to know of his condition
(affective test)
c. Voidable by him but not by other party
d. still liable for restitution
2. Drunk or Drugged Persons
a.temporary incapacity-test is whether so drunk
or drugged
to be unable to understand nature, purpose,
3. Made with Minors (infacy)
a. voidable at minor’s option, minor can enforce
against adult
b. not even liable for restitution except for
value of necessaries
c. Policy reasons-protect children from own lack
of judment,
if he were able to make binding contracts,
spending power would
not be constrained by present wealth, parents
would have less
D. Duress
1. Effort to establish boundary between proper
and improper advantage
2. Threats must be wrongful/illegal (no duress
if threats legal)
a. exception- employer.employee (economic
3. Duress is consent induced by physical force
or threats of force or
other wrongful threats
a. economic duress-threat to withhold something
another party
wants is not duress because not wrongful but it
is if:
1.one party threatens or commits wrongful act
would seriously threaten property or finances
2. no adequate mans available to avoid or
the threatened loss
4. Three concerns/reasons:
a.bargaining process is unfair
b. leverage is bad (employment at will)
c. promise is bad/unfair
5. Mitchell v. CC Sanitation
where there is such an inequaloity in terms,
sacrifices, and
rights, coercion/duress can exist (threat to
lose job if didn’t sign
release considered duress)
6. Wurtz v. Fleischman- deal to trade real
property, duty to exercise
reasonable economic power in bargaining, breach
if unreasonable
cause if victim would not have acted same
without threat, damages of
7. Selmer v. Blackslee-mere stress of business
conditions is not duress
if . not responsible for condtions
E. Undue Influence
1. Unfair persuasion of a party who is under
domination of person
exercising persuasion
a. example: attorney influences elderly client
to sell property at
unfair price
2. Relationships fall outside impersonal market
setting (gifts and wills)
3. Odorizzi v. Bloomfield-teacher forced to
resign.- There must be a
combination of undue susceptibility in the
servient person and excessive
pressure by the dominating person to make the
latter's influence undue
when there is no confidential relationship
between the two parties.
(narrower than Restatement)
F. Misrepresentation
1. A material misrepresentation by one party
makes contract voidable.
2. Obde v. Schlemeyer-termites found, LL knew of
them, misrepresented
G. Relationships of Trust and Control
1. Vokes v. Arthur Murray- a statement of party
with superior knowledge
may be considered statement of fact even if
normally opinion (old lady
who was vulnerable and paid for tons of dancing
H. Policy Arguments for Paternalism
1. Goal of promoting efficiency by reducing
transaction costs
2.If fraud committed but not proven, agreement
will be enforced
which is inefficient, could lower proof
requirements but widespread
give victims inalienable entitlemnt they cannot
waive and therefore
cannot be fraudulently induce to abandon,
deception must be more likely
and less easily provable here than in general 1
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