Thursday, February 27, 2014

ALASKA Part 53

How do I calculate child support for a primary custody arrangement?

To figure out the child support for a primary custody arrangement, do the following calculation:

    Gross income - Deductions = Adjusted Income (AI)
    AI x Percentage (see below) = Child Support

1 kid: 20%       3 kids: 33%
2 kids: 27%     More kids: 3% for each

If the calculation results in a support amount below $50.00, the support amount will be $50.00 a month.  The minimum calculation for a primary custody arrangement is $50.00.

If your AI is over $120,000, you may be eligible to use the high income cap. Rule 90.3 says that the portion of an adjusted annual income over $120,000 will not be used in calculating the child support amount, unless the other parent presents evidence showing the higher income should be used in the calculation.  If the cap is used, the AI will be $120,000 for the calculation.

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