Thursday, February 27, 2014

ALASKA Part 58

What can I subtract for deductions?

    Federal taxes actually OWED (not withheld)
    State or local income taxes if you live outside of Alaska
    State unemployment insurance (SUI)
    Social Security & Medicare - often paychecks show these together as “FICA”
    Mandatory retirement contributions
    Voluntary retirement contributions that can be no more than 7.5% of gross wages when combined with mandatory retirement contributions (mandatory contribution + voluntary contribution must be 7.5% or less than gross wages)
    Union dues
    Childcare for this child(ren) so you can work
    Child support ordered for prior children of a different relationship and currently paid
    Cost of supporting older child(ren) living with you, including child(ren) that live with you in a shared custody arrangement

Rule 90.3 and the commentary lists other allowable deductions. Deductions allowed by Civil Rule 90.3 are not the same as those allowed for federal taxes.

The CSSD Child Support Calculator may be able to help you calculate deductions if you know your gross wages.

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