What can I subtract for deductions?
Federal taxes
actually OWED (not withheld)
State or local
income taxes if you live outside of Alaska
State unemployment
insurance (SUI)
Social Security
& Medicare - often paychecks show these together as “FICA”
retirement contributions
retirement contributions that can be no more than 7.5% of gross wages when
combined with mandatory retirement contributions (mandatory contribution +
voluntary contribution must be 7.5% or less than gross wages)
Union dues
Childcare for this
child(ren) so you can work
Child support
ordered for prior children of a different relationship and currently paid
Cost of supporting
older child(ren) living with you, including child(ren) that live with you in a
shared custody arrangement
Rule 90.3 and the commentary lists other allowable
deductions. Deductions allowed by Civil Rule 90.3 are not the same as those
allowed for federal taxes.
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