Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Permanent spousal support is payment that lasts as long as necessary for the recipient spouse to be able to self-support. If it is a fair arrangement, these payments could last for the recipient spouse’s lifetime. Just because they are called permanent does not mean they can’t be changed, however. Even permanent support can be changed by a court order, remarriage, or death.

Rehabilitative spousal support helps the recipient spouse get back to work. Rehabilitative payments are for a limited time to pay for training or study, but must go towards a reasonably attainable goal to self-support. In other words, just because one wants to become an astronaut doesn’t mean the paying spouse has to subsidize an unrealistic dream.

Spousal support in gross means the award is in a set amount and for a known period of time. For example, the court could order $60,000 in alimony to be paid monthly for five years. Payments can be periodic (as in the example, made monthly) or in lump sum – the whole $60,000 given at once.

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