Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Importance Of The Internet In Offshoring Of Legal Processing 2

Offshoring[1] of legal work is highly depended on the Internet infrastructure in country where the work will be performed. Most South East Asia nations and territories have high-speed Internet connections in urban and suburban areas. However, in rural and undeveloped areas Internet deliver may be weak or non-existence. In the Philippines there are five main Internet providers: Sun[2], Globe[3], Smart,[4] PLDT[5] and cable companies.[6] The frequency and speed of each of these providers depends on the socio-economic status of the areas, the number of cellular lines and towers in the area.  A qualified offshore LPO provider should operate in a high tower area and have a mobile cellular device to ensure continuous Internet connection.

[1] See Introduction To Outsourcing Terminology For Lawyers, By LPO Carmona Founder, Jennifer Trinidad,  February 1, 2014 for a discussion of outsourcing terms.

[2] http://www.suncellular.com.ph/
[3] http://www.globe.com.ph/help/postpaid/plans?jsid=1391511849388
[4] http://www1.smart.com.ph/postpaid/plans/
[5] http://pldthome.com/surf/mydsl/about
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_cable_and_satellite_companies

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