Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Importance Of The Internet In Offshoring Of Legal Processing 10

First, Skype.com or a similar provider enables a lawyer to buy a local number to allow the LPO to answer and receive calls for the lawyer. Further, voicemail can be sent to the LPO.  

Second, using free Skype videoconference a lawyer can see, hear and speak
to the LPO for as long as needed.

Third, the LPO can send and receive emails and faxes for the lawyers.

Fourth, for documents which require personal or offline mail delivery, the lawyer can domestically outsource the task to an attorney service and a mail house. The LPO uploads needed filing or personal service to the attorney service. Also, the LPO can upload documents signed with an electronic signature to the mail service for domestic mailing.  The only documents the LPO cannot send are documents with original signatures. However, electronic signatures are now valid.[1]  Finally, documents received by the lawyer by non-electronic means can be scanned so that the LPO can access them. For the organization of hard documents the lawyer must perform the work in-house or domestically outsource the work.  

[1] An electronic signature performs a significant legal function in connection with electronic records and transactions. Signed records are intended to make many kinds of contracts enforceable and electronic signatures are critical to electronic commerce applications. The E-Signature Laws With the adoption of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (“UETA”) in most states and the passage of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (“ESIGN”) at the federal level in 2000, the legal landscape for use of electronic records and electronic signatures in commerce has been firmly settled. Rule of General Validity Both ESIGN and UETA establish a legal framework based on the principle that electronic records and signatures carry the same weight and legal effect as traditional paper documents and handwrittten signatures. 

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