Monday, March 24, 2014


Below is general information about custody – not specific to NE.

    General information
        Do I need a lawyer?
        How will a judge make decisions about child custody?
        Where can I file for child custody? (Which state has jurisdiction?)
        What are some pros and cons of starting a custody case?
        Should I start a court case to ask for supervised visitation?
    Changing a final custody order
        If a custody order is already in place, how can I get it changed?
        Are the laws for modifying a custody order the same in each state?
        I want to modify my final custody order but I have moved to a new state. Can I have the custody order modified by my new state?
        Why might a judge agree to transfer the custody case to my new state?
        What factors will a judge consider in deciding whether the new state would be a more convenient forum (place) to hear the case?
        I think that I might meet the requirements to transfer my custody case to a new state. Where do I begin?
    Getting custody with your restraining order
        Can I get temporary custody as part of a restraining order against the other parent?
        Can I get temporary emergency custody?

        Who can help me with further questions?

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