Monday, March 24, 2014

NEVADA Part 63

How do Nevada courts decide what amount of alimony is fair?

In deciding whether to award alimony, and in what amount, Nevada's alimony statute requires Nevada's divorce courts to consider all of the following factors:

    the financial condition of each spouse

    the nature and value of the respective property of each spouse

    the contribution of each spouse to any property held by the spouses pursuant to Nevada's joint tenancy, tenancy-in-common, and community property laws

    the length of the marriage

    the income, earning capacity, age and health of each spouse

    the standard of living during the marriage

    the supported spouse’s pre-marriage career

    the existence of specialized education or training or the level of marketable skills attained by each spouse during the marriage

    the contribution of either spouse as homemaker

    the award of property granted by the court in the divorce, other than child support and alimony, to the supported spouse, and

    the physical and mental condition of both spouses as it relates to their financial condition, health, and ability to work.

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