Monday, March 24, 2014


    If I have lived in Nevada for two months, can I file for custody of my children who live with me?

    What are my options if we have not lived in Nevada for six months?

    Common Terms in Child Custody Cases

    What is the court’s legal standard for custody?

    What do I have to prove to modify my existing custody order?

    My daughter is 12 and wants to live with me, can she tell the judge and will the judge listen to her?

    I have primary custody and I want to move myself and my son to California, what do I do?

    What happens if we have joint physical custody and I need to relocate?

    Now, that I am a California resident, what do I do in the future regarding custody problems or child support issues?

    My ex-wife took the children to France to visit her family and she stayed there.  What rights do I have?

    If I am awarded primary custody, how will the child support be calculated?

    If our family’s circumstances are different from other people’s, can the court order a different amount of child support?

    What happens if we have joint custody?  Can I still get child support?

    It has been five years since the last court order, I am sure that my ex’s income has gone up, can I seek to increase my monthly child support payments?

If I have lived in Nevada for two months, can I file for custody of my children who live with me?

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