Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Child Support Guidelines

In South Carolina, the Child Support Guidelines are based on the combined gross incomes of the father and mother of the child and must be reviewed, at a minimum, every three years. The Guidelines are available to be used for temporary and permanent orders, actions for separate maintenance and support, divorce and child support awards. The Income Shares Model calculates child support as the share of each parent’s income which would have been spent on the children if the parents and children were living in the same household.  The shares are based on the amount of money ordinarily spent on children by their families living in the United States and adjusted to South Carolina cost of living levels.  This evidence indicates that individuals tend to spend money on their children in proportion to their income, and not solely on need. The expenditures include the following nine categories:  food at home; food away from home; shelter; utilities; household goods (furniture, appliances, linens, floor coverings, and house wares); clothing; transportation (other than visitation related); ordinary health care; and recreation.

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